
SIA 2024 Highlights: Interoperability, Security and Global Collaboration - 2025 Outlook

In today's world, identity is more than just a credential—it's a gateway to trust, inclusion, and opportunity. At Secure Identity Alliance (SIA), we believe that secure identity is a fundamental human right and the foundation for a thriving digital society.

Through collaboration, innovation, and leadership, we work to shape the future of identity—one where security and accessibility go hand in hand, and where digital trust enables people to engage fully in the modern world. 

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OSIA becomes an official International Telecoms Union (ITU) standard.

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SIDI Hub Announces Roadmap to Drive Cross-Border Interoperability for Digital Identity

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Decade of Progress, Vision for the Future: A Year in Review

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Reflecting on a Remarkable Journey: SIA Secure Identity Summit 2023

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Empowering a Connected Future: Highlights from the Inaugural Sustainable and Interoperable Digital Identity (SIDI) Hub Summit at Trustech

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UNDP and SIA announce global partnership to improve digital identity systems

Photo: UNDP/Honduras.

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Secure Identity Alliance Joins Forces with the Identity Defined Security Alliance



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Unlocking the full power of Identity to enable people, economy and society to thrive - A year in review - February 2023


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Published today! Biometrics in identity: building safe and inclusive cultures and protecting civil liberties report

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Secure Identity Alliance Awarded Qualified ITU-T Reference Organization Status

Landmark qualification enables the ITU-T to normatively reference OSIA specifications

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New Cooperation Agreement with Document Security Alliance (DSA)


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Easing identity supply chain tensions through effective forecasting - Public Statement

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Secure Identity Alliance launches OSIA Qualification Program at ID4Africa


The OSIA qualification program aims at enhancing interoperability of ID management systems, support ID solution development, and address government requirements for OSIA compliance.


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Secure Identity Alliance Joins Forces with Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)


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Defining and building the ID ecosystems of the future. January 2022 Newsletter


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Secure Identity Alliance new guide looks at the role of Optical Machine Authentication (OMA) and Optical Phone Authentication (OPA) in proving identity

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Secure Identity Alliance unveils Identity Week event schedule (London 22-23 September 2021)

Digital ID web

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Mitigating the risk of chip shortage in the global identity sector


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Guinea adopts OSIA-based identity management system to drive major economic and social inclusion programs across the country.



The National Agency for Economic and Social Inclusion in Guinea (ANIES) will leverage the OSIA open standards approach to create a fully interoperable identity system.

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First African Mobile Identity Ecosystem leverages OSIA to verify identities against National Identity Registry



Muhammadu Buhari President Nigeria

President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria Muhammadu Buhari is showing the NIMC (National Identity Management Commission) NIN (National Identity Number) slip – that can be verified against the central national ID database leveraging OSIA interface


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New report offers in-depth guidance on fighting back against passport fraud

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The changing face of identity management highlighted in new report by Secure Identity Alliance

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Global Identity Report launched by Secure Identity Alliance

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New Year 2021 - Open APIs for Identity and Sectorial Systems Development - Digital Identity and more...


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Full Interoperability amongst ID Industry Actors demonstrated thanks to OSIA (Open Standards Identity APIs) during OSIA Advisory Committee Bi-Annual Meeting

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Secure Identity Alliance is Nominated for #GoodID Award

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Nomination acknowledges the pioneering work of the Secure Identity Alliance in supporting the development of secure and trusted digital identities for all.

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Secure Identity Alliance wishes you a Happy International IDDay!

ID Day

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21st July 2020: In memory of Mr. Efthimios Matsoukis - A message from Philippe Barreau, Chairman of the Board, Secure Identity Alliance.


Efthimios Matsoukis

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Crime Science Technology joins Secure Identity Alliance

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Inaugural OSIA Advisory Committee brings governments and industry together to solve ID interoperability

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Mr Philippe Barreau elected Chairman of the Secure Identity Alliance

New executive team elected to drive trusted identity advocacy program

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10 African countries represented by senior-level officials have joined OSIA Advisory Committee.

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Secure Identity Alliance (SIA) announces composition of OSIA Advisory Committee.

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Ivory Coast National Agency for Civil Registration and Identity (Office National de L’Etat Civil et de l’Identification - ONECI) joins Secure Identity Alliance as an Advisory Observer.

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In its capacity as an Advisory Observer, Ivory Coast ONECI, represented by Mr Diakalidia Konate, Director General, will participate in the Advisory Committee of the OSIA (Open Standards Identity API) initiative.

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Secure Identity Alliance Announces Global Availability of OSIA: the Open Standards Identity API

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Pioneering industry-first open standards initiative assures interoperability for sovereign ID programs and eliminates vendor lock-in

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Nigeria’s National Identity Management Commission (NIMC) joins Secure Identity Alliance as an Advisory Observer

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In its capacity as an Advisory Observer, Nigeria NIMC, represented by Mr Engr. Aliyu Abubakar Aziz, Director General/CEO, will chair the Advisory Committee of the OSIA (Open Standards Identity API) initiative

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Vision-Box joins Secure Identity Alliance as an Associate Member

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2018: A year in review - Looking forward to collaborating in 2019


Dear colleagues,

We’re looking forward to collaborating closely with our colleagues and partners in 2019 to create a more secure world where legal, trusted identity empowers citizens to access services and exercise their rights.


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European Association for Biometrics (EAB) joins Secure Identity Alliance as an Advisory Observer

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Identity community invited to contribute to landmark Open Source Identity Initiative


Open API

Interoperable Identity Registries Interface (Open Source API) published on GitHub by Secure Identity Alliance to deliver technical interoperability between civil registries and ID systems

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Calling for the recognition of September 16 as International Identity Day - Coalition joined by The European Association for Biometrics and the Secure Identity Alliance

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SIA announce new Open Source API to harmonise sovereign ID programs

Open API

Industry-first initiative promises to eliminate vendor lock-in and reduce costs for governments around the world.

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SDW - Open API - eDocuments Physical Security Evaluation - Latest News - Spring 2018

SDW 2018  – Open API – eDocuments Physical Security Evaluation

-Dear colleagues,

In this latest roundup of SIA activity, I am delighted to announce the launch of an exciting new initiative that, I believe, will have a profound and positive impact on the design and implementation of national identity programs. We also have a wealth of new content available. I would urge you all to take a look.


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Strong Identity, Strong Borders Paper Published today by Secure Identity Alliance

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SIA to showcase new best practice guidance on the development of a cohesive and effective eBorder strategy at SDW 2017 and INTERPOL World 2017

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New eDocument Physical Security Certification Initiative Launched by Secure Identity Alliance

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The SIA call for participation by eDocument issuers and manufacturers across the world at SDW 2017


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Driving the evolving world of Secure Digital ID - SIA's Spring Newsletter


As Digital ID becomes a day-to-day reality for ever greater numbers of public stakeholders and citizens across the globe, our goal is to continue to accelerate the adoption of secure access and authentication solutions that will continue to drive the digital ID agenda forward.

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Web Fraud Prevention and Online Authentication Market Guide 2016/2017 by The Paypers

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The Secure Identity Alliance has been happily contributing to the Web Fraud Prevention and Online Authentication Market Guide 2016/2017 which has just been released and been made available for download in the Reports section of their website.

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Estonia e-Governance Academy joins the Secure Identity Alliance as Advisory Observer

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The Secure Identity Association (SIA), the global identity and secure eServices advisory body, today announces that Estonia e-Governance Academy (eGA) has joined the Association as an Advisory Observer.

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Veridos joins the Secure Identity Alliance as Board Member

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Secure Identity Alliance (SIA) today announces that Veridos, the joint venture between Giesecke & Devrient GmbH, Munich, and Bundesdruckerei GmbH, Berlin, pooling the expertise of the two largest German providers for high-security technologies to serve the international market, has joined the Alliance as a Board Member of the SIA.

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Imprimerie Nationale joins the Secure Identity Alliance as Board Member

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Imprimerie Nationale, the French National Printing Group, and a leader in secure identity solutions, has joined the EEIG Secure Identity Alliance (SIA) as a member of the Board, alongside the founding members Gemalto, Oberthur Technologies and Safran Morpho.

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New Civil Registry and Identity Guidance for Governments

Secure Identity Alliance (SIA) publishes ‘Civil Registry Consolidation through Digital Identity Management’ report in support of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

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Dutch Interior Ministry joins Secure Identity Alliance

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Marking an important step in the evolution of secure documents and secure digital service provision, the Secure Identity Alliance (SIA) today welcomes the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations (BZK) of the Netherlands, through its National Office for Identity Data, as an observer member.

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SIA to unveil details of new study to support the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development


‘Civil Registry Consolidation through Digital Identity Management’ to be presented at the eID Conference in Washington on 29 September 2015.

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Identity Assurance

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German Federal Ministry of the Interior (Bundesministerium des Innern) joins Secure Identity Alliance to enhance the security of eServices

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The Secure Identity Alliance today announced that the German Federal Ministry of the Interior (Bundesministerium des Innern - BMI) has joined its ranks as an Observer Member.

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Mobile Identity Unlocks Digital Service Delivery for Governments Globally

New report from the GSMA and Secure Identity Alliance outlines the growing value of mobile identity for governments looking to deliver inclusive access to digital services, protect citizens online and drive economic growth

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Secure Identity Alliance announces eIDAS Workshop in Budapest with the support of the Federal Ministry of Interior (Germany)

The Secure Identity Alliance announces its official support and participation in the eID Conference 6th Edition at the Intercontinental Hotel Budapest, Hungary, on 13 and 14 October 2014.

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Our First Anniversary: Celebrating a Year of Success; Announcing Next Milestones

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Our First Anniversary: Celebrating a Year of Success
Announcing Next Milestones

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Secure Identity Alliance welcomes eIDAS as a ‘major step forward’ in ID Interoperability, Citizen Privacy and efficient eGovernment Services

Secure Identity Alliance welcomes eIDAS as a ‘major step forward’ in ID interoperability, citizen privacy and efficient eGovernment services

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Trusted Identity to create $50bn Cost Savings

Secure Identity Alliance Presents a $50bn Cost Saving Vision of the Future at Connect:ID and at Cartes Asia

New report identifies the social and economic value of eServices up to 2020

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Welcome to the first in our series of quarterly newsletters

Dear Colleague,

Welcome to the first in our series of quarterly newsletters, and our warmest wishes for the New Year!

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eGovernment services would yield up to $50 bn annual savings for Governments globally by 2020 while increasing convenience, trust and citizen satisfaction

New report jointly conducted by the Secure Identity Alliance and The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) confirms explosive growth of eServices based on Tusted Digital Identity.

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Secure Identity Alliance launches the first truly global eDocuments Initiative

New self-assessment tool allows public bodies to benchmark and plan eDocument programs against proven best practices and real-world global deployments

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Secure Identity Alliance launches two new tools: the eSPT and the eSAM

Secure Identity Alliance launches two new tools: the eSPT and the eSAM

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Secure Identity Alliance announces the eServices Provision Tracker

New initiative aims to offer a view of live government eServices identifying credentials used and identity services offered

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Secure Identity Alliance Welcomes Emirates ID Authority

Paris, 14th November 2013: The Secure Identity Alliance has announced that the Emirates ID Authority (EIDA) – represented by His Excellency Dr. Eng. Ali Mohamed Al Khouri, EIDA’s Director General – is joining the organization in the role of Advisory Observer.

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Secure Identity Alliance Welcomes Emirates ID Authority

The Secure Identity Alliance has announced that the Emirates ID Authority (EIDA) – represented by His Excellency Dr. Eng. Ali Mohamed Al Khouri, EIDA’s Director General – is joining the organization in the role of Advisory Observer.

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Secure Identity Alliance welcomes three new members

HID Global, ABnote, and Trüb join the Alliance to accelerate secure eGovernment service adoption.

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Secure Identity Alliance welcomes three new members

Paris, 1st October 2013 HID Global, ABnote, and Trüb join the Alliance to accelerate secure eGovernment service adoption

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3M, Gemalto, Morpho (Safran) and Oberthur Technologies create the ‘Secure Identity Alliance’

St. Paul, Amsterdam and Paris, 10th May 2013
Open, industry-wide association aims to promote Secure Digital Identity Services and convenient interoperable secure eDocuments

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3M, Gemalto, Morpho (Safran) and Oberthur Technologies create the ‘Secure Identity Alliance’

Open, industry-wide association aims to promote Secure Digital Identity Services and convenient interoperable secure eDocuments

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The Secure Identity Alliance calls for new members at SDW 2013

Paris, 15th May 2013 – The newly formed Security Identity Alliance is, for the first time, inviting membership applications at Science Media Partners’ forthcoming Security Document World 2013 (SDW 2013) conference.

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