SIA Associate Members

Founded in Wuppertal (Germany), 4PLATE is a joint company of C.T.LAY (Italy), Pro Gravur (Switzerland) and PlascoTec (Germany) dedicated to the production of high technology lamination plates.
Archipels is an augmented identity platform that verifies, certifies and identifies individuals, companies and institutions.

Crime Science Technology (C.S.T)
Lead by a team of security and scientific solice industry experts, C.S.T develops and sells security features for ID documents and banknotes. C.S.T also develops innovative processes for revealing traces and clues to identify criminals. Validated by the French Interior Ministry, C.S.T's technology is used by scientific solice experts worldwide on a daily basis.
For government identity documents and banknotes, C.S.T develops a range of level 1 security feature with unique visual properties to ensure rapid and intuitive authentication. By combining chemical properties and optical effects, these technologies represent a new generation of security features.

Entrust keeps the world moving safely by enabling trusted identities, payments and data protection. Today more than ever, people demand seamless, secure experiences, whether they're crossing borders, making a purchase, accessing e-government services or logging into corporate networks. Entrust offers an unmatched breadth of digital security and credential issuance solutions at the very heart of all these interactions. With more than 2,500 colleagues, a network of global partners, and customers in over 150 countries, it's no wonder the world's most entrusted organizations trust us.
iDAKTO enables trust between public and private service providers and their users, in a fast-changing digital world.
We ensure simple, sovereign, secure interactions with personal data, all the way through each digital process.
Our digital identity contract guarantees identity, authentication and privacy for millions of users as they interact with their government, banks and other service providers.

Linxens is a global leader in the design and manufacture of Microconnectors, RFID Antennas and Inlays.
Linxens'products are at the core of the constantly-evolving smartcard market – from smartphones, transport cards, identity cards and passports, to contact and contactless transactions, biometrics, access, and more.
Österreichische Staatsdruckerei GmbH (OSD)
The Österreichische Staatsdruckerei Holding AG is a holding company and is the sole direct and indirect shareholder of the following subsidiaries.
Österreichische Staatsdruckerei GmbH and OeSD International GmbH
The Österreichische Staatsdruckerei GmbH carries out the business operations of the OeSD Group; The focus of the OeSD International GmbH lies on travel documents, such as ePassports, Machine Readable Passports and visa labels, which are sold to an international clientele. The company mainly covers larger projects, which additionally include systems integration and the installation of personalisation centres in the customer’s country. OeSD International operates in Europe, Africa, Asia and Oceania so far.

UrbanID is a project offering a robust disruptive Personal Identity ecosystem, built for Personal Identity across borders with mutual recognition. Security and Data Privacy are our watchwords. Our Patented Tokenization Technology is being used in the largest Identity Database in Africa, to provide enhanced Data Protection and Privacy to all ID Holders. Our passion is to reduce the proliferation of personal data in so many disparate and insecure databases in developing economies.