eDocument Physical Security Evaluation Model (eSEC)
The eDocument Scheme for Evaluating Physical Security (eSEC) has been designed by the SIA’s Document Security Working Group and other experts of the ID documents sector to help governments develop secure eDocuments. It can be used as a self-assessment tool to evaluate the physical security of current documents, the security impact of additional design changes, or simply to learn and understand what is required to build a ‘secure eDocument’.
With this version of the eSEC tool, one can create a new project or re-start from an existing one (uploading an .esec file). It is also possible to evaluate if the document follows some international Standards And Recommended Practices (SARPs) set by ICAO in its Doc 9303*, with a focus on basic security features).
* Part 2: Specifications for the Security of the Design, Manufacture and Issuance of MRTDs
This is a beta version, currently under test by early users. Your feedback is welcome to improve the tool.