Types of membership and corresponding annual fees*
We welcome Members and Affiliated Members – providing you meet the conditions for (Affiliated) Membership -
willing to bring value to the work we do and to contribute to achieve the goals of the Secure Identity Alliance
1. Criteria for Industry – Full, Associate or Affiliated Members
FULL – Access to: Industry Working Groups and Open Standards Working Groups
- - has an extensive position on the value-chain of the identity life cycle management – both physical and digital (registration/enrolment, validation, biometrics, credentialing, authorization, authentication, federation and decentralization); and
- - has international operations; and
- - holds information technology security certification(s), recognized by the Member States of the European Union, in a form and quantity to be specified in the Internal Rules.
ASSOCIATE – Access to: Industry Working Groups and Open Standards Working Groups
- - is active on the value-chain of the identity life cycle management; and/or
- - is active in the ID ecosystem and adjacent industries (e.g. public services/civil ID, public security, Government ID, or ID regulated/based on Government ID used by the private/commercial sector).
AFFILIATED – Access to: Open Standards Working Groups
- - is active on the value-chain of the identity life cycle management; and/or
- - is active in the ID ecosystem and adjacent industries (e.g. public services/civil ID, public security, Government ID, or ID regulated/based on Government ID used by the private/commercial sector).
Abides by the SIA’s Internal Rules

Annual fees for Full Membership :
Turnover below € 200 Million Turnover: € 25,000
Above € 200 Million Turnover: € 35,000
Annual Fees for Associate Membership:
Turnover below € 10 Million: € 5,000
Between € 10 Million and € 200 Million: € 10,000
Above € 200 Million: € 15,000
Annual Fees for Affiliated membership
Turnover below € 10 Million: € 2,500
Between € 10 Million and € 200 Million: € 5,000
Above € 200 Million: € 10,000
2. Criteria for Governments & Academics – Affiliated members
AFFILIATED – Access to: Industry Working Groups and Open Standards Working Groups
- - Is a government or academic entity; and alternatively
- - is active in the ID ecosystem and adjacent industries (e.g. public services/civil ID, public security, Government ID, or ID regulated/based on Government ID used by the private/commercial sector); and/or
- - wants to advance positive ID policy to protect people while tackling today’s biggest societal challenges such as digital inclusion, climate change and sustainability; and/or
- - promotes innovation, open standards and technical frameworks to guarantee a level playing field for all market players (owner, open source, large companies, SMEs, start-ups, local and international etc.) and allow digital sovereignty, security and sustainability; and/or
- - contributes to/ develops open standards and technical frameworks to meet the above objective.
Abides by the SIA’s Internal Rules

Annual fees :
3. Criteria for Foundations/ Think Tanks/ Associations/ Consultancies
ASSOCIATED – Access to: Industry Working Groups and Open Standards Working Groups
- - is incorporated as a non-profit foundation (or has a comparable status), as a think-tank, an association, a consultancy; and alternatively
- - wants to advance positive ID policy to protect people while tackling today’s biggest societal challenges such as digital inclusion, climate change and sustainability;
- - promotes innovation, open standards and technical frameworks to guarantee a level playing field for all market players (owner, open source, large companies, SMEs, start-ups, local and international etc.) and allow digital sovereignty, security and sustainability; and/or
- - contributes to/ develops open standards and technical frameworks to meet the above objectives.
AFFILIATED - Access to: Industry Working Groups and Open Standards Working Groups
- - is incorporated as a non-profit foundation (or has a comparable status), as a think-tank, an association, a consultancy; and alternatively
- - wants to advance positive ID policy to protect people while tackling today’s biggest societal challenges such as digital inclusion, climate change and sustainability;
- - promotes innovation, open standards and technical frameworks to guarantee a level playing field for all market players (owner, open source, large companies, SMEs, start-ups, local and international etc.) and allow digital sovereignty, security and sustainability; and/or
- - contributes to/ develops open standards and technical frameworks to meet the above objectives.
Abides by the SIA’s Internal Rules

Annual fees for Associate Membership :
Below € 500,000: € 1,000
Between € 500,000 and € 10 Million: € 5,000
Between € 10 Million and € 50 Million: € 10,000
Between € 50 Million and € 200 Million: € 15,000
Above € 200 Million: € 20,000
Annual fees for Affiliate membership :
Below € 500,000: € 1,000
Between € 500,000 and € 10 Million: € 2,500
Between € 10 Million and € 50 Million: € 5,000
Between € 50 Million and € 200 Million: € 10,000
Above € 200 Million: € 20,000
*Joining after 1st July, membership dues are reduced by one-half (1/2)