
Exclusive Interviews: Government Leaders Share Insights on the development of their Digital Identity Solutions

In 2021, the Secure Identity Alliance (SIA) launched the first edition of "Giving Voice to Digital IDs," creating a space for government representatives, national stakeholders, and identity experts to discuss the development and implementation of digital identity solutions around the globe. 

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OSIA Gets Real: It's time to unlock the identity ecosystem - Webinar Replay

OSIA v2 light

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Passport Fraud Trends and Ways to Combat Them - Webinar Replay

passport fraud trend combat sia final

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Taking Stock of Identity at the Border - Webinar Replay

SIA Borders Identity Webinar2

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2021 : l’année consacrée de l’identité numérique - Webinaire Replay

webinar digital id sia onepoint fr medium

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Giving Voice to Digital Identities Worldwide - Webinar Replay

Festival SIA LinkedIn v3


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Open APIs as a Pathway to Identity and Sectorial System Development

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