Our mission
Unlock the full power of identity to enable people, economy and society to thrive.
We believe legal, trusted identity is the cornerstone of rights protection, social inclusion and digital economic development - and the access point to a wide range of essential public and private services.

We collaborate
We bring together private and public industry and government organisations to foster international collaboration, help advance positive ID policy, provide technical guidance and share best practice in the implementation of identity programmes.

We believe in open standards
We are driving the development of international open standards (as our members have for over 40 years).

We support
The goals of the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union.
The Recommendation of the OECD Council on the Governance of Digital Identity.
The Principles on Identification for Sustainable Development Towards the Digital Age.
ID4Africa and its Identity Council.

We have global reach
Over 85% of the world’s population is covered through multiple applications by our members’ technologies

We adhere to a strict code of conduct
It is the Alliance’s firm belief that strict adherence to high ethical standards is key to meeting the challenges and reaching the full potential of digital identities and secure eServices, to the benefit of all stakeholders.
We help advancing positive global identity policy to protect the people while tackling todays’ biggest societal challenges such as digital inclusion, climate change and sustainability.
We address the key issues throughout the identity journey from enrolment to use case development and implementation.

Legal & Trusted Identity

Privacy & Data Protection

Identity Lifecycle Management

Interoperability & Standardization

Technologies for identification
We facilitate the industry’s focus - via working groups and promotional activities on the full lifecycle of identity management,
both physical and digital (registration/enrolment, validation, biometrics, credentialing, authorization, authentication, federation and decentralization).
We provide technical guidance and share best practice.


Input into other
organizations' work

partnerships & Workshops

Tools & Guides

Open Standards Recommendations & Development