ANGIEIE (National Agency for Electronic Governance and State Informatics) - Guinea - is a technical implementation structure responsible for computerizing public administration and setting up a system integrated, as part of the modernization of the Administration and the provision of online services to the population.
European Association for Biometrics (EAB)
The European Association for Biometrics (EAB) is the leading voice for digital ID & biometrics in Europe. We are a non-profit, nonpartisan association and support all sections of the ID community across Europe, governments, NGO’s, industry, associations and special interest groups and academia. We ultimately serve the citizens of Europe in the advancement of biometric ID systems that are fair, accessible, secure, while respecting privacy.

eGovernance Academy (eGA) - Estonia
e-Governance Academy (eGA) is a mission-based non-profit, non-governmental think tank and consultancy organisation founded for the creation and transfer of knowledge and best practice concerning e-governance, e-democracy, national cyber security and the development of open information societies.
Moreover eGA assists governments in implementation processes in cooperation with IT companies. Since 2002 e-Governance Academy has been involved in e-government policy planning and implementation, organizational setup, legal and technical frameworks and management with nearly 50 countries.
EIDES - Slovenia
Slovenian association for electronic identification and electronic trust services, with abbreviated name EIDES Association, was established on 26 January 2016 on the founding convention and began its operation on 1 September 2016, after the completion of registration process and confirmation of its statute with the competent authority of State Administration.
The association is a voluntary and non-profit association of individuals and legal persons, who affiliated in order to accelerate the use of electronic identities, means of electronic identification and electronic trust services, to implement with it connected security measures and procedures, and to raise awareness of individuals and entities of public and private sector about the importance, advantages and ways of introducing digital business.

Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (ICA) - UAE
Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (ICA) was established on Sha'ban 15, 1425H corresponding to September 29, 2004 under the name "Emirates Identity Authority" under Federal Law No. (2) for the year 2004 to establish the "Population Register and Emirates Identity Card Program", which included recording personal and vital data for all population in the state and keeping them in electronic databases in coordination with the competent authorities, and issuing the Emirates ID Card for each individual to be registered and to contain the Emirates ID number, readable data and data stored on an electronic chip, which can be used in all entities.
Since its establishment, ICA has specialized in providing identification and confirmation services of Identity for individuals to federal and local government authorities and any other entities and determining the means applicable in this regard. The Law has given ICA, for such purpose, the right to request the necessary data and information from the competent authorities in the State to serve its objectives.
The Federal Decree-Law No. 3 of 2017 is a significant and important turning point in the work of ICA after it was decided to change its name to be "Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship" and to add new functions to its Terms of Reference namely citizenship Affairs, passports, entry and residence of foreigners in the state, and transfer the terms of reference and powers assigned to the Ministry of Interior to ICA in this regard.
German Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI)
The German Federal Ministry of the Interior (Bundesministerium des Innern - BMI) among its key activities, oversees Germany’s national passport and citizen identity card programs – supporting the development and provision of eServices across the country.

ID4Africa is a multi-stakeholder movement that promotes the transparent and responsible adoption of digital identity in the service of development in Africa.
It convenes an Annual Meeting in a different African country each year. It’s upcoming Annual Meeting is scheduled for April 24-26, 2018 in Abuja Nigeria, where over 1200 delegates, representing African governments, development agencies and the private sector will be in attendance.
Follow ID4Africa on twitter @ID4Africa
National Office for Identity Data, Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations of the Netherlands
The Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations (BZK) of the Netherlands, through its National Office for Identity Data is an observer member of the Secure Identity Alliance.
The Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations is one of the eleven ministries of Dutch central government. The ministers and civil servants formulate policy, prepare legislation and regulations, and are also responsible for coordination, supervision and policy implementation.
The Ministry safeguards the core values of democracy. BZK stands for effective public administration and public authorities that the public can trust. BZK helps people live in affordable, safe, energy-efficient homes in pleasant neighbourhoods where everyone counts and everyone takes part. The Ministry deals with the following isues:
democracy and the rule of law
- public administration
- the quality of personnel and management within central government
- the Dutch constitution and the system of constitutional government
- the partnership with Curaçao, St Maarten and Aruba
- public housing and government buildings

Nigeria’s National Identity Management Commission (NIMC)
Chair of the OSIA Advisory Committee
The National Identity Management Commission (NIMC) established by the NIMC Act No. 23 of 2007, the NIMC has the mandate to establish, own, operate, maintain and manage the National Identity Database in Nigeria, register persons covered by the Act, assign a Unique National Identification Number (NIN) and issue General Multi-Purpose Cards (GMPC) to those who are citizens of Nigeria as well as others legally residing within the country.
The NIMC Act 2007 provides for the establishment of the NIMC, its functions, powers, establishment of the National Identity Database, assignment and use of General Multi-purpose cards, and the National Identification Number (NIN). The Act also provides the Commission with powers to make regulations connected with its functions. The NIMC Act 2007 provides the repeal of the law that created the former Department of National Civic Registration (DNCR) and the transfer of its assets and liabilities to the NIMC