Our First Anniversary: Celebrating a Year of Success; Announcing Next Milestones

Our First Anniversary: Celebrating a Year of Success
Announcing Next Milestones

Dear Colleague,
It’s hard to believe we’re a year old!
Since our launch last year in May 2013 we’ve played a leading role in bringing together public, private and non-government organizations to foster international collaboration on Digital ID challenges and the issues of data security, citizen privacy, identity, authentication – and more.
From the offset we were determined to move fast, and the past 12 months have certainly proved action-packed. In this latest edition of the Alliance's newsletter we’ll be celebrating some noteworthy milestones and announcing the next ones.
We’ll be present at Security Document World (SDW 2014) on Tuesday 17th June 2014 at the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre, Westminster in London, UK.
Join us for free at a special SIA conference at 13.30 in the Churchill Auditorium (Main Conference Room) followed by drinks.
In its first year the Alliance has laid the foundation for scaling up in years to come. The Alliance counts seven member companies to date, including the leaders in security technology and one Government observer, EIDA (UAE).
If you are coming to the SDW event as a conference delegate you can attend the closing keynote on Tuesday 17th June at 16:30 "Emirates ID mobilification – The road ahead" by our Government Observer represented by Ms Ayesha Al Rayesi- Executive Director and Head of Central Operations Sector, Emirates Identity Authority, United Arab Emirates in the Churchill Auditorium (Main Conference Room).
We have launched two workgroups and have already published some key reports including one jointly conducted by the Secure Identity Alliance and The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) confirming explosive growth of eServices based on trusted digital identity. Download Report
The Alliance has also initiated collaboration with some key non-government organizations and will be announcing a key and new project on eID and Social Inclusion.
Again if you are a registered conference delegate at SDW you can attend the Alliance’s presentation on Tuesday 17th June 2014 at 11:10 "How eID is helping secure social protection and unlocking a sustainable, empowered future for communities around the globe" in the Churchill Auditorium (Main Conference Room - Track: Biometrics 20/20 - Overcoming hurdles, creating opportunities)
We will also be launching our announced
- Security Awareness Model (eSAM), providing governments and public sector organizations with a unique self-assessment tool to benchmark current and future eDocument projects and
- eServices Provision Tracker (eSPT), a powerful reference tool that allows government agencies to benefit from the latest best practice and innovation insights as they build out their next generation of secure cost-effective eServices.
As part of its key role in sharing best practice, we visited Estonia last month to take a look at the country’s approach to eServices provision. Operating one of the most highly-developed national ID card systems in the world, you can read an insightful Visit Report on how eID is used in Estonia here
Finally, in recent weeks we’ve seen the European Parliament approve a proposal for the Regulation on Electronic Identification and Trust Services (eIDAs). The Alliance applauds this landmark decision which marks a welcome step forward in securing interoperability and privacy. See full release here
I hope you enjoy reading the newsletter. We value your feedback and ideas – and look forward to the continuing support of all our members as we pursue our mission to support sustainable worldwide economic growth and prosperity through the development of trusted digital identities and the widespread adoption of secure eServices in the year ahead.
Yours sincerely,
Frédéric Trojani,
Secure Identity Alliance Chairman