
In today's world, identity is more than just a credential—it's a gateway to trust, inclusion, and opportunity. At Secure Identity Alliance (SIA), we believe that secure identity is a fundamental human right and the foundation for a thriving digital society.

Through collaboration, innovation, and leadership, we work to shape the future of identity—one where security and accessibility go hand in hand, and where digital trust enables people to engage fully in the modern world. 

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The 2024 edition of "Giving Voice to Digital IDs" takes a closer look at the challenges and successes faced by several African countries in deploying digital identity systems since 2021.

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A digital public good, OSIA is an open standard set of interfaces (APIs) that enables seamless connectivity between building blocks of the identity management ecosystem – independent of technology, solution architecture or vendor.

Interoperability benefits innovation and competition and can only be achieved with the contribution and engagement of the whole community.

Get involved in OSIA!




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 26-28 November 2019: Trustech, Cannes, France

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Efficient and reliable patient identify management will be an essential element in making the benefits of integrated care a reality.

This was the core message at the launch of a joint new publication from COCIR and the SIA entitled ‘Identity in Healthcare’ at the HIMSS Europe and Health 2.0 conference in Barcelona.


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The SIA’s pioneering new Open Source API will bring interoperability among civil registration and civil identification registries – independent of technology, solution architecture or vendor.


Citizens around the world depend on government issued identities to prove they are who they say they are and to undertake commonplace transactions – from opening bank accounts or registering for school, to obtaining formal employment or receiving social transfers.


It is crucial, therefore, that governments are able to ensure citizens are the same person across all these various registries and issuing agencies, and that an individual’s data – or attributes – are up-to-date. Doing so protects the individual against the risk of identity theft and state agencies against fraud.


To achieve this objective these different registries need to ‘talk’ to one another.


It is this imperative that is currently driving governments around the globe to rollout national ID ecosystems in which multiple identity registries and systems, serving different functions, operate together as a cohesive whole.

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Efficient and reliable patient identify management will be an essential element in making the benefits of integrated care a reality. This was the core message at the launch of a joint new publication from COCIR and the SIA entitled ‘Identity in Healthcare’ at the HIMSS Europe and Health 2.0 conference in Barcelona. The publication brings much-needed clarity and key recommendations to the ID challenge facing the health sector.

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Connect:ID 2017: Physical & digital identity in the 21st century

May 1-3, 2017

WEWCC, Washington, DC, USA



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26-28 June 2017 – Exhibition: 27-28 June 2017, QEII Centre, London, UK

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7 - 9 December 2016

Bangkok, Thailand

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HSP Asia

Singapore, 5-7 December 2016

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29 November - 1 December 2016

Palais des Festivals, Cannes, France

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The Secure Identity Association (SIA), the global identity and secure eServices advisory body, today announces that Estonia e-Governance Academy (eGA) has joined the Association as an Advisory Observer.

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Today, the World Bank, Secure Identity Alliance, and GSMA have launched a joint white paper, “Digital Identity: Towards Shared Principles for Public and Private Sector Cooperation”.

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The ability to prove one’s identity is increasingly recognized as the basis for participation in social, political, economic, and cultural life.


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Secure Identity Alliance (SIA) today announces that Veridos, the joint venture between Giesecke & Devrient GmbH, Munich, and Bundesdruckerei GmbH, Berlin, pooling the expertise of the two largest German providers for high-security technologies to serve the international market, has joined the Alliance as a Board Member of the SIA.

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Ce rapport devrait être d' un intérêt particulier pour les organisations internationales et les organismes gouvernementaux qui sont impliqués dans la création ou la réorganisation de l'état civil et des systèmes d'identité

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Consolidation du Registre Civil et Identités Numériques - Traduction du Rapport - Civil Registry Consolidation Through Digital Identity Management publié en décembre 2015


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Imprimerie Nationale, the French National Printing Group, and a leader in secure identity solutions, has joined the EEIG Secure Identity Alliance (SIA) as a member of the Board, alongside the founding members Gemalto, Oberthur Technologies and Safran Morpho.

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This report should be of particular interest to international organizations and government agencies that are involved in the establishment or reorganization of civil registration and identity systems.

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With identity a key priority on the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (SDG 16.9), the report outlines a best practice approach for consolidating civil registries through national electronic identity schemes.


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Secure Identity Alliance (SIA) publishes ‘Civil Registry Consolidation through Digital Identity Management’ report in support of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

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By courtesy of our Government Observer Member, the National Office for Identity Data, Dutch Ministry of Interior and Kingdom relations.

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Marking an important step in the evolution of secure documents and secure digital service provision, the Secure Identity Alliance (SIA) today welcomes the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations (BZK) of the Netherlands, through its National Office for Identity Data, as an observer member.

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‘Civil Registry Consolidation through Digital Identity Management’ to be presented at the eID Conference in Washington on 29 September 2015.

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As the appetite for developing identity-based e-government services grows, Jacques van Zijp, Board Member from Secure Identity Alliance discusses the interoperability challenges now at the heart of cross-border ID discussions.

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Identity is going digital, and moving to the mobile. For most, this is a positive step. Identity is proliferating at an incredible rate. From the low level ‘sign-in through Facebook’ variants to high security access to, and usage of, a new range of central government and smart city services, the ability to prove who we say we are (when we’re mobile) is a strategic imperative. And It’s not just about convenience or security.

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Presentation given by Jacques van Zijp on eID and Social Protection Programs in the Developing Countries at SDW2014 in London

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We have asked Guy de Felcourt, Digital Identity Strategy Advisor and Published Author, who animated the BMI-Secure Identity Alliance eIDAS Workshop to tell us why EU Regulation No.910/2014 represents a major step forward in enabling digital identity in Europe and examines the value this will deliver for member states, companies and citizens.

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The Secure Identity Alliance today announced that the German Federal Ministry of the Interior (Bundesministerium des Innern - BMI) has joined its ranks as an Observer Member.

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New report from the GSMA and Secure Identity Alliance outlines the growing value of mobile identity for governments looking to deliver inclusive access to digital services, protect citizens online and drive economic growth

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Digital identity is one of today’s key strategic issues for governments, regulators and commercial organizations across the world. In the developed world many citizens are now living and conducting their lives online.

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The Secure Identity Alliance announces its official support and participation in the eID Conference 6th Edition at the Intercontinental Hotel Budapest, Hungary, on 13 and 14 October 2014.

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SIA Visit Report - eServices in Estonia: a success story


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Our First Anniversary: Celebrating a Year of Success
Announcing Next Milestones

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This quarter, Jacques Van Zijp, Board Member of the Secure Identity Alliance looks at how eID is helping secure social protection and unlocking a sustainable, empowered future for communities around the globe.

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Secure Identity Alliance welcomes eIDAS as a ‘major step forward’ in ID interoperability, citizen privacy and efficient eGovernment services

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Secure Identity Alliance Presents a $50bn Cost Saving Vision of the Future at Connect:ID and at Cartes Asia

New report identifies the social and economic value of eServices up to 2020

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Mar 2014 - SIA Report



Enabling the eGovernment 2020 Vision: the Role of Trusted Digital Identity

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Dear Colleague,

Welcome to the first in our series of quarterly newsletters, and our warmest wishes for the New Year!

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New report jointly conducted by the Secure Identity Alliance and The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) confirms explosive growth of eServices based on Tusted Digital Identity.

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New self-assessment tool allows public bodies to benchmark and plan eDocument programs against proven best practices and real-world global deployments

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Opening keynote speech at Secure Document World 2013 by Frédéric Trojani, Chairman, Secure Identity Alliance

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Secure Identity Alliance launches two new tools: the eSPT and the eSAM

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Highlighting the continued importance of cost and citizen experience drivers, the report highlights the role of trusted digital identity in enabling effective and secure eService deployment.

And with this change come some serious issues.

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Nov 2013 : SIA eGov Study - Research



eGovernment services would yield up to $50 bn annual savings for Governments globally by 2020 - jointly conducted with The Boston Consulting Group (BCG)

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New initiative aims to offer a view of live government eServices identifying credentials used and identity services offered

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Paris, 14th November 2013: The Secure Identity Alliance has announced that the Emirates ID Authority (EIDA) – represented by His Excellency Dr. Eng. Ali Mohamed Al Khouri, EIDA’s Director General – is joining the organization in the role of Advisory Observer.

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The Secure Identity Alliance has announced that the Emirates ID Authority (EIDA) – represented by His Excellency Dr. Eng. Ali Mohamed Al Khouri, EIDA’s Director General – is joining the organization in the role of Advisory Observer.

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HID Global, ABnote, and Trüb join the Alliance to accelerate secure eGovernment service adoption.

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Paris, 1st October 2013 HID Global, ABnote, and Trüb join the Alliance to accelerate secure eGovernment service adoption

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May 2013: Presentation @ SDW 2013



Accelerating the creation and deployment of eGovernment services by ensuring citzen's privacy, security, convenience and trust

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St. Paul, Amsterdam and Paris, 10th May 2013
Open, industry-wide association aims to promote Secure Digital Identity Services and convenient interoperable secure eDocuments

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Open, industry-wide association aims to promote Secure Digital Identity Services and convenient interoperable secure eDocuments

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The case for Government-managed Digital Identities



Frederic Trojani, Chairman of the Board from the Secure Identity Alliance analyses today’s proliferating digital identities market, and argues that only governments can deliver the trusted environment that enable digital identities and digital economies to thrive.

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Paris, 15th May 2013 – The newly formed Security Identity Alliance is, for the first time, inviting membership applications at Science Media Partners’ forthcoming Security Document World 2013 (SDW 2013) conference.

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