High Security Printing - Asia Pacific

Singapore, 5-7 December 2016
The High Security Printing™ Conferences are the premier events for organisations involved in the field of high security government-issued documents. With a specifically regional focus and particular emphasis on banknotes and emerging technologies for ID and travel documents The High Security Printing™ Conferences provide a platform for discussions on the latest trends, issues and solutions in the industry. Running in tandem with each event is a trade exhibition of 30-40 companies supplying technologies and systems for these sectors. Three conferences are run each year – HSP Europe, HSP Latin America and HSP Asia. Join us this year in Bucharest, Romania on 14-16 March for HSP Europe, in Mexico City on 20-22 June for HSP Latin America and in Singapore on 5-7 December for HSP Asia. www.reconnaissance-intl.com