By admin on Tuesday, 24 November 2015
Category: Blog

Identity Management in 2030

By courtesy of our Government Observer Member, the National Office for Identity Data, Dutch Ministry of Interior and Kingdom relations.

In the past decades, the pace of development has increased in the field of identity management. Governments have realized that identity management is crucial to their operations and that a reliable identity infrastructure is a precondition for a successful implementation of identity management. But changes, especially in the digital domain, are so fast that further development and improvement of the identity infrastructure is a constant topic of attention and sometimes of concern to governments.

The number of countries that issue electronic passports and electronic identity cards and also offer electronic services to citizens is growing rapidly. The questions that arise here are: what is the impact of these developments on identification and ID verification, on the documents and tokens, on the application and issuance processes, on document control, on the instruments to be used and on their interoperability? These questions are not only of concern to governments, but they are also embedded in the TRIP Strategy established by the ICAO in 2013.


This paper is the outcome of a two-day ‘Expert Meeting on Identity Management 2030’ held on July 1st and 2nd 2015. The meeting was organized by the Dutch National Office for Identity Data (RvIG) at The Hague in The Netherlands and supported by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). It involved the active participation of 36 international experts in the field of ID management.

Most of the participants were representatives of public, national and international organizations. About a third of them came from the Netherlands, a sixth from European countries, a quarter from African, American, Asian and Oceanian countries and another quarter from international organizations.

The objective of the meeting was to exchange knowledge and experience and to explore directions for ID management for the coming 15 years. This document has been written to look forward to the situation as it will be in 2030, therefore most of the topics are introduced by the sentence: ‘In 2030…’. It attempts to answer the questions addressed above and to summarize the key points made by the experts during the discussions, as captured by the organizers of the meeting.

Nevertheless, they are not to be understood as agreed upon outcomes by the meeting participants and responsibility for the content lies exclusively with the author.

The paper is structured in 5 chapters:
- Concepts and infrastructures
- Technology and data
- Roles and processes
- Directions
- Conclusion

The paper will be of particular interest to officials and policymakers in governments responsible for sections of the identity infrastructure.

Download paper here