The OSIA initiative


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  • A digital public good, OSIA is an open standard set of interfaces (APIs) that enables seamless connectivity between all components of the identity management ecosystem – independent of technology, solution architecture or vendor.

  • Government and ID Industry working together to unlock the identity market by developing a universal interoperability framework for innovation, competition and sustainability.

  • OSIA is an official International Telecoms Union (ITU) standard. ITU Standardization Sector (ITU-T) Recommendation X.1281 - APIs for interoperability of identity management systems.


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The guiding principles



The ability of governments to choose what their ID solution “looks like” is a core principle that goes to the very heart of sovereignty. They must have the freedom to decide which components of the identity ecosystem to use, and how to combine them.

Technology Neutrality

The value of deployed legacy technologies must be preserved, and governments free to use any technology they choose. Technology partners must also be free to innovate on emerging technologies to finds new ways to solve problems.

Privacy by Design

To achieve regulatory compliance and to ensure an ethical and responsible approach to managing citizen’s data, identity ecosystems must embed privacy by design – from repositories through to interface layers. Ecosystems must ensure data can be user controlled with stringent access rights.



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Contact Information


Information on the Editor

This website is managed by the non-profit association SECURE IDENTITY ALLIANCE ASBL,

registered in the Belgium Company Register under number 0785 731 573.

Address: Boulevard Auguste Reyers 80, 1030 Schaerbeek, Belgium

Transparency Register N°: 978510049514-67



Information on the Web Host

8 rue de la Ville l’Evêque, 75008 Paris, France


Information on Design & Webmastering

16 avenue de Paris, 78000 Versailles, France



Governance overview

governance overview

OSIA Advisory Committee

Consists of government and academic Affiliated Members of the SIA.
The Advisory Committee meets twice a year to review the progress of OSIA and provide strategic guidance for the initiative.

OSIA Workgroup

Consists of public and private Members and Affiliated Members of the SIA.
The Working Group meets once a month to manage the evolution of all OSIA functional and technical specifications. It also solicits feedback from the GitHub Open Community and has the power to accept or reject code contributions proposed by members and third parties and to control releases.

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Advisory Committee

Chaired by Nigeria National Identity Management Commission (NIMC)

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Working Group