Governance overview


The OSIA initiative is developed by the not-for-profit Secure Identity Alliance with the full support of its membership. It is governed under a formal structure including an independent OSIA Advisory Committee, with work carried out by the OSIA GitHub Community and the OSIA Working Group. These bodies have transparent and publicly available terms of reference to guide intra and inter committee relations.

OSIA Advisory Committee

Consists of government and academic affiliated Members of the SIA.
The Advisory Committee meets twice a year to review the progress of OSIA and provide strategic guidance for the initiative.

OSIA Working Group

Consists of public and private industry Members and affiliated Members of the SIA.
The Working Group meets once a month to manage the evolution of all OSIA functional and technical specifications. It also solicits feedback from the GitHub Open Community and has the power to accept or reject code contributions proposed by members and third parties and to control releases.

governance overview

GitHub Community & license


OSIA is based on an open copyright and software license. OSIA specifications are published on GitHub supervised by an external and independent consultant.
Any country, technology provider or individual is free to download the functional and technical specifications to implement in their foundational and sectoral ID systems.

Governments can also reference OSIA as Open Standards in tenders.


How to join the initiative?


Send us an email at 
You don’t need to be a member of the SIA. To participate in the Working Group, you just need to become an affiliated Member (this is the equivalent of signing a MoU).
‘Non Government’ companies/organisations join the OSIA Workgroup - The annual fee varies from 2,5K Euros to 10 K Euros per annum excl. VAT depending on company turnover.
‘Government & Academic’ organizations join the OSIA Advisory Committee – Free


OSIA Advisory Committee Members


Chaired by Nigeria National Identity Management Commission (NIMC), represented by Engr Abisoye COKER-ODUSOTE,  CEO, NIMC & Chair of the OSIA Advisory Committee

nimc logo


Côte D’Ivoire: represented by Mr Christian Ago Kodia, Directeur général, Office National de l’Etat Civil et de l’Identification (ONECI) , Mr Diakalidia Konate Secrétaire Executif, Commission Nationale des Frontières de la Côte d’Ivoire (CNFCI) and Mr KADIO Kassy Uriel William, Chef de Service Dématérialisation, Direction Confiance Numérique et Sécurité Réseaux, Autorité de Régulation des Télécommunications de Côte d'Ivoire (ARTCI)

DRC, represented by Mr Musavuli Mbutho Moussa, Coordonnateur de la cellule technique, Cabinet du conseiller spécial du numérique au près du Chef de l'Etat and Mr Nanikian Lejite Likaala, Technical Director, Office National d'Identification de la Population (ONIP)

Gabon, represented by Mr Aimé-Martial Massamba, Chef de Département IGC, Agence Nationale des Infrastructures Numériques et des Fréquences (ANINF)

Ghana, represented by Ms Henrietta Lamptey, Registrar of Births and Deaths, Head of Civil Registration and Mr Emmanuel Nortey Botchway, Assistant Registrar – Head of ICT.

Guinea, represented by Mr Ibrahima Sory KEITA Conseiller Télécommunications et Economie Numérique – Coordonnateur National du Projet WURI - Primature;
Mr Sayon Dambele, Directeur Général, ANIES; Mr Kourouma Sentoum, Directeur technique, Projet WURI; Mme Camara Djenabou Toure,Coordinatrice Réforme et Modernisation de l'Etat Civil, Cabinet du Ministre, Ministère de l'Administration du Territoire et de la Décentralisation

Lesotho, represented by Mr Tumelo Raboletsi, Principal Secretary, Ministry of Home Affairs

Madagascar, represented by Ms Holy Volana RAKOTONIRINA, Administrateur Civil en Chef, Directeur Général du Centre National d'Etat Civil et de l'Identité; Mr M Hasina Rakotozafiarosoa, Coordinateur Général, Secrétariat Général de la Présidence de la République and Ms Salohy Norotiana Randrianarisoa, Directeur Général des Affaires Judiciaires, des Etudes et des Réformes, Ministère de la Justice

Mali, represented by Dr Abdoulaye Alkadi, Directeur National, Direction Nationale de l'Etat-Civil, Ministère de l'AdministrationTerritoriale et de la décentralisation.

Sierra Leone, represented by Mr Mohamed M. MASSAQUOI, DG National Civil Registration Authority

South Sudan, represented by Lt Gen Atem Marol Biar Kuek,  Director General, Direction de la Nationalité, Passeports et l'Immigration (DNPI), Ministère de l'Intérieur and Mr David Oroma Joseph Jobojobo, Director for ICT, Ministry of Interior

Sri Lanka, represented by Mr Viyani Gunathilaka, Commissioner General, Department for Registration of Persons

Uganda, represented by Ms. Rosemary Kisembo , Executive Director, National Identification and Registration Authority and Ms Grace Nanyanzi, Director, Information Systems, National Identification and Registration Authority

Vietnam, represented by Mr La Hoang Trung, Director General of the Department of Information and Communications of Hau Giang province

UNDP, represented by Chahine Hamila, E-government Senior Advisor  and Victor Margall von Hegyeshalmy, Electoral / ID Procurement Lead.



OSIA Workgroup Members


Chaired by Debora Comparin, the following companies are members of the OSIA Working Group:


Aoya, Biosec, Canadian BankNote, Coppernic, DERMALOG, Digitech, Entrust, Famoco, ID30, Idakto, IDEMIA, Identitypass, INGroupe, Innovatrics, Intercede, Mobile Technologies, Mühlbauer, Neurotechnology, OSD, Sofie, Thales, Urban ID, Veridos.






SIA Articles of Association



SIA Articles of Association
French version



SIA Internal Rules




Last updated 25th July 2023